Hello and welcome! If you found this post its probably because you love quirky art that makes you smile! If yes, then I'm defiantely your girl. 

My name is Amber and I am the Artist behind Averie Lane! Check our the shop About Me for how I got started on this journey. 

Its been a crazy few years. We've been doing pop up events for over 8 years full time, opened ( and closed a shop) and survived the many ups and downs of the last few years. We plan on doing many of our favorite events this year, and possibly trying a few new ones too, but the big focus will be right here.

I have already done a little rebrand on my logo and I will be working hard this year to proritize my online presence. It's been a hot minute since I've done anything about this space and that's needs to change. As much as I love traveling, and seeing my people in person, I know there is a need here as well. So stay tuned, I'm going to give the website and overhaul, try to actually share new art I create and work to better improve my order speed and availabilty. I will still be taking custom orders, but it may be that I only have a certain amount available each month so I can give 100% to my custom customers. 

I hope you will stick around - and be ready! I'm hoping to launch new product and have a big sale the lasy full week in January! As a thank you and motivation to follow through!